Andrea A. Lunsford, Author
- Bio: Professor of English at Stanford University; specializes in rhetoric, feminist theory, and the history of writing; former director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford; has conducted research on the state of writing instruction in America
- Other Works: The Everyday Writer (1997); The Presence of Others: Voices and Images That Call for Response (1997); The St. Martin’s Handbook (1989)
John J. Ruszkiewicz, Author
- Bio: Professor of English at the University of Texas in Austin; specializes in rhetoric and writing; known for his work in composition studies
- Other Works: How to Write Anything: A Guide and Reference (2006); The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers (1991)
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Guide:
- Arguments Are Everywhere
- Presentation Persuades
- Argumentation and Society
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Teaching Guide, students will:
- Explore their pre-existing knowledge about what arguments are and how they are constructed to increase their engagement with and understanding of Everything’s an Argument.
- Read/study short paired texts and other resources to deepen their understanding of themes related to Arguments Are Everywhere, Presentation Persuades, and Argumentation and Society.
- Demonstrate their understanding of key concepts from Everything’s an Argument by revising an existing university resource on argumentation to reflect information from this text.
- Apply principles discussed in the text to the rhetorical analysis of real-world argumentation.